Saturday, 12 January 2013

D3 crash course

D3 crash course


Data-Driven Documents (D3) is a javascript library that offers an interesting approach to visualization for the web. D3 enables direct inspection and manipulation of the standard document object model (DOM). With D3 we can selectively bind input data to document elements and define dynamic transforms that both generate and modify the content of the DOM.

D3’s primary authors Michael Bostock, Vadim Ogievetsky and Jeffrey Heer have created a library that uses representational transparency to improve expressiveness and provide natural integration with developer tools. It’s quite different from other visualization libraries since it focuses on direct inspection and manipulation of the document object model.

The functionality of D3 can broadly be separated into four categories:

    Loading data
    Binding data to elements
    Transforming elements by inspecting the bound data, and updating the bound properties of the elements
    Transitioning elements in response to user interaction

The transformation of elements based on bound data is the most important category and D3 provides the structure for performing these transformations, while we define how we want those transformations carried out – leaving us in full control of the final output.

D3 is not a traditional visualization framework. Instead of introducing a new graphical grammar, D3’s authors choose to solve a different, smaller problem: the manipulation of documents based on data.

Basically D3 can be thought of as a visualization “kernel” rather than a framework, somewhat resembling other document transformers such as jQuery, CSS and XSLT. These libraries share a common concept of a selection: A set of elements is selected matching the given criteria before applying a set of operations that transforms the selected elements. JavaScript-based selections provide flexibility on top of CSS, since styles can be altered dynamically in response to user interaction and changes to the data.

The designers of D3 choose to adopt the W3C Selectors API for selection; a mini-language consisting of predicates that filter elements by tag (“tag”), class (“.class”), unique identifier (“#id”), attribute (“[name=value]”), containment (“parent child”), adjacency (“before ~ after”), and other facets. Since predicates can be intersected (“.a.b”) and unioned (“.a, .b”) we have a rich and concise method for selection.

D3’s operates on set of elements queried from the current document. Data joins bind data to elements, enabling functional operations that depend on data, and produce enter and exit sub-selections that enables creation and destruction of elements in correspondence with data. Operations are, by default, applied instantaneously, while animated transitions interpolate attributes and styles smoothly over time. The library facilitates event handlers that respond to user input and enable interaction. D3 also provides a number of helper modules that simplify common visualization tasks, such as layout and scales.

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